Design January 23, 2023

‘The Band’ Graphic Design

Peace Through Music approached me with a project to design a shirt for the iconic band ‘The Band,’ and the hit single ‘The Weight’ which was then produced by the iconic Perryscope Productions and is consistently sold out.

  • Design

    Graphic Design

  • Client

    Playing For Change

Open Project

Graphic Design

'The Band'

Esoteric in nature, this meaningful piece of art had a lot of important voices involved. Over 20 different drafts of the front graphic were delivered and discussed with key stakeholders including brand owners and production team members. I was thirlled to work on this design graphic for an all time classic – ‘The Weight’ by Robbie Robertson and ‘The Band’.


Esoteric in nature, this meaningful piece of art had a lot of important voices involved. Over 20 different drafts of the front graphic were delivered and discussed with key stakeholders including brand owners and production team members.
