The first ever interactive production library for developers. A Universal Production Music and Emperia Sound and Music collaboration utilizing Wwise ready music for Video Game Developers, Experiential Design, and Interactive Media.


Develop a complete brand identity, website, promotional brand video and marketing launch for a revolutionary fusion of interactive music licensing and audio services designed for game developers.

  • Strategy

    Brand, Digital Marketing

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction, Logo Design, Video Production

  • Client

    Gamescape Audio

Open Project

A revolutionary fusion of interactive music licensing and audio services designed for game developers

Launch Plan


As the lead Marketing Manager in the US, we developed a comprehensive go to market launch plan for Gamescape Audio. Complete with materials I and my team designed, i managed the project from campaign positioning, determining KPI’s and marketing objectives, to staggered territory launches and event presence. 

MArketing Content & Design

Content Strategy
Video Production

Launch Video

As an art director and co-producer for the GSA launch video, my role was pivotal in ensuring the video’s success. In collaboration with the film crew at Creative Creatures Media and the gaming developers of Pumpkin Studio in Taiwan, I shaped the video’s concept and visual style, responsible for production aspects like budget and timeline management. This piece of the product and campaign launch were pivotal to convey the desired message and create a lasting impression.
